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  • fear of the missed deadline
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April 9, 2023
2023: 15 Minutes to Stitch Week 14 from High Road Quilter


When I showed you Fear of the Missed Deadline, I was in a hurry to get finished on time and the lighting wasn't very good that day, so I am showing it to you again in better lighting. I cut off the loose threads after taking the picture. This quilt doesn't get to keep loose threads like Whose Rights does.

2023: 15 Minutes to Stitch Week 14


Happy Easter! I spent the little bits of time I could find to make the Whose Rights quilt I showed you yesterday. Every time I have even a fleeting thought that ...

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March 19, 2023
Quilt Reveal: Fear of the Missed Deadline from High Road Quilter

 I was going about my merry way, planning today's post to say I have been quilting for the last two weeks but have nothing to show for it. Just cutting some scraps, organizing the sewing room, finishing quilting Boundless.

I even figured I could show you my library stack to keep the post from being too boring. I went to the main library recently and gathered these books.

Then I thought, is Project Quilting over? And sauntered my way to the website to find out. Nope, there is one last project, and it is due in three hours! I ...

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  • fear of the missed deadline
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